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Memoir Writing

For individuals who want to leave a legacy behind for their family in the form of a book but don't have the time nor the desire to write and print it themselves.


Whether you are famous or not, it's time to write your book.

How It Works

This is an example of how your memoir gets made. The process is highly customizable and comprehensive based on your wants and needs. Next step: get in touch with me via email or phone.


I'll plan comprehensive interviews to get your stories out of your head and into a book that’s in your words and your voice. Interviews can take place in English, French, German, and Swiss German.


Writing Manuscript

After a first series of interview, I will write a first draft. Based on what we have, we might do a second round of interviews to expand on certain topics and/or add missing ones. Once everything is in the manuscript, I will refine it before I submit it to you for review.


Reviews, Feedback, and Iterations

This is where you give me notes on the manuscript, and feedback. You'll tell me which parts I got wrong or not quite right and I'll rewrite it until it feels right. There is no limit on the amount of iterations. However, I don't want to waste your time, nor mine, so I'll do my best to be as efficient and effective as possible.



Once you have validated the entire manuscript, I will hire a highly qualified editor to proofread the manuscript. My role is to capture your story in your own words (in English, French, German, or Swiss German). The role of the editor is to make sure there is no typo nor misuse of the language. 


Cover Design, Formatting, and Typesetting

In parallel to the proofreading, I'll hire a specialized graphic designer to bring your cover design brief to life. I'll coordinate everything and submit the final versions to you for the final selection. The editor and graphic designer services are included in my fee.


Ready for Sign Off and Printing

Once the proofreading and the cover design are ready, you'll get a final look at the whole thing before it goes into printing. I'll coordinate everything with the appropriate printing company so don't have to think about it. The only thing that you'll have to tell me, is how many copies you want printed. This is the single variable cost which comes on top of my fee.


Book Delivery

I'll coordinate the delivery of your printed copies with the printing company, so you just have to open the box and stare at your very own book.


Optional: Publication Coordination

If you wish to sell your book on platforms like amazon, I can support you with that as well. If so, let me know early enough so I can include this additional service in my quote.


You retain all rights and ownership of the book

I'm acting as a ghostwriter. Therefore, you retain all the copyrights and royalties of your book. I'm happy to sign any NDAs you might find necessary. Discretion is not a problem.

It's time to write your book.

Tell your story, build your family legacy. Your children and grandchildren will thank you.



WhatsApp: +41-76-801-31-95

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10am - 5pm CET

Home Base

Zurich, Switzerland. Available for writing projects around the world.

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